- A - B: Board Governance and Operations
- C: General Administration
- D: Fiscal Management
- E: Support Services
- F: Facilities Development
- G: General
- I: Instruction
- J: Students
- K - L: District-Community Relations
A - B: Board Governance and Operations
AC-AR: Discrimination Complaint Procedure
ACA: Americans with Disabilities Act
ACA-AR: ADA Grievance Procedure
ACB: All Students Belong
ACB-AR: Bias Incident Complaint Procedure
BB: Board Legal Status
BBA: Board Powers and Duties
BBAA: Individual Board Member’s Authority and Responsibilities
BBB: Board Elections
BBBA: Board Member Qualifications
BBBB: Board Member Oath of Office
BBC: Board Member Resignation
BBD: Board Member Removal From Office
BBE: Vacancies on the Board
BBF: Board Member Standards of Conduct
BBFA: Board Member Ethics and Conflicts of Interest
BBFB: Board Member Ethics and Nepotism
BC/BCA: Board Organization/Board Organizational Meeting
BCB: Board Officers
BCE: Board Ad Hoc Study Committees
BCF: Advisory Committees to the Board
BD/BDA: Board Meetings/Regular Board Meetings
BDB: Special and Emergency Board Meetings
BDC: Executive Sessions
BDC-AR (1): Executive Sessions
BDD: Board Meeting Procedures
BDDC: Board Meeting Agenda
BDDG: Minutes of Board Meetings
BDDH: Public Participation in Board Meetings
BDDH-AR: Public Comment at Board Meetings
BF: Policy Development
BFC: Adoption and Revision of Policies
BFCA: Administrative Regulations
BFE: Administration in the Absence of Policy
BFF: Suspension of Policies
BFG: Policy Review and Evaluation/Manual Accuracy Check
BG: Board Staff Communications
BH/BHA: Orientation of New Board Members
BHB: Board Member Development
BHD: Board Member Compensation and Expense Reimbursement
BHE: Board Member Liability Insurance
BI: Board Legislative Program
BJ: Board Memberships
BK: Evaluation of Board Operational Procedures
The following symbol(s), * / **, may be used on some policies:
* As used in certain policies, may be subject to collective bargaining.
** As used in certain policies, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005 (4) and 125.300 – 125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000.
C: General Administration
CBA: Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent
CBB: Recruitment and Appointment of the Superintendent
CBC: Superintendent’s Contract
CBG: Evaluation of the Superintendent
CC: Administrative Organization
CCC: Hiring of Licensed Administrators
CCD: Contracts – Administrative
CCG: Evaluation of Administrators
CH: Policy Implementation
CHA: Administrative Regulations
CHCA: Handbooks and Directives
CHD: Administration in the Absence of Policy
CI: Temporary Administrative Arrangements
CM: Compliance and Reporting Standards
CPA: Layoff/Recall – Administrative Personnel
CPA-AR: Layoff/Recall – Administrative Personnel
The following symbol(s), * / **, may be used on some policies:
* As used in certain policies, may be subject to collective bargaining.
** As used in certain policies, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005 (4) and 125.300 – 125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000.
D: Fiscal Management
DB: District Budget
DBC: Budget Calendar
DBE: Budget Preparation
DBE-AR: Budget Preparation
DBEA: Budget Committee
DBG: Budget Hearing
DBH: Budget Adoption Procedures
DBI: Budget Amendment Procedures
DBJ: Budget Implementation
DBK: Budget Transfer Authority
DBK-AR: Budget Transfer Authority
DD: Funding Proposals and Applications
DED: District Foundation
DFA: Investment of Funds
DFA-AR: Investment of Funds
DFEA: Admissions to District Events
DGA: Authorized Signatures
DH: Bonded Employees and Officers
DI: Fiscal Accounting and Reporting
DIC: Financial Reports and Statements
DID: Property Inventories
DIE: Audits
DJ: District Purchasing
DJ-AR: Expenditure of District Funds for Meals, Refreshments and Gifts
DJB: Petty Cash Accounts
DJB-AR: Petty Cash Accounts
DJC: Bidding Requirements
DJC-AR: Exemptions from Competitive Bidding and Special Procurements
DJFA: Credit/Purchase Cards
DJG: Vendor Relations
DLB: Salary Deductions
DLBA: Advance Salary Payments
DLC: Employee Travel/Expense Reimbursements
DLC-AR: Employee Travel/Staff Expense Reimbursement
DN: Disposal of District Property
DN-AR: Disposal of District Property
The following symbol(s), * / **, may be used on some policies:
* As used in certain policies, may be subject to collective bargaining.
** As used in certain policies, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005 (4) and 125.300 – 125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000.
E: Support Services
EBAC: Safety Committee
EBAC-AR: Safety Committee
EBB: Integrated Pest Management
EBBA: Student Health Services **
EBBAA: Infection Control – HIV, AIDS, HBV
EBBAB: HBV/Bloodborne Pathogens
EBBB: Injury or Illness Reports
EBBC: Emergency Health Care to Students
EBCB: Emergency Procedure Drills and Instruction
EBCD: Emergency Closures **
ECA: Security of Buildings and Grounds
ECA-AR: Buildings and Grounds Security
ECAAA: Employee Identification Badge System
ECAAA-AR: Employee Identification Badge System
ECAB: Vandalism/Malicious Mischief/Theft **
ECAC: Video Surveillance
ECACA: Radio Frequency Identification Device**
ECACB: Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) a.k.a. Drone
ECD: Traffic and Parking Controls
EDC/KGF: Authorized Use of District Equipment and Materials
EEA: Student Transportation Services *
EEA-AR (A): Student Transportation Services – General
EEA-AR (B): School Sponsored Activities
EEA-AR(C): School Sponsored Activities Trip Checklist
EEA-AR (D): Curriculum/Co-Curriculum Trip Roster/Sigout Sheet
EEA-AR (E): Curriculum/Co-Curriculum Trip Student Medical Information Sheet
EEAC: School Bus Safety Program
EEACA: School Bus Driver Examination and Training
EEACC: Student Conduct on School Buses
EEACC-AR: Discipline Procedures for District-Approved Student Transportation
EEACCA: Video Cameras on Transportation Vehicles
EEACCA-AR: Video Cameras on Transportation Vehicles
EEACD: Use of District Activity Vehicles for Student Transportation
EEAE: Student Transportation in Private Vehicle
EEAE-AR: Proof of Auto Liability Insurance and Valid Drivers License
EEBAA: District Vehicles/Seat Belts/Child Safety System
EEBB: Use of Private Vehicles for District Business
EFA: Local Wellness Program
EFAA: District Nutrition and Food Services
EFAA-AR: Reimbursable School Meals and Milk Programs (National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Special Milk Program)
EFD: Food Preparation
EGAAA: Reproduction of All Copyrighted Materials
EGAAA-AR: Guidelines for the Use of Copyrighted Materials
EGACA: Cell Phones
EGACA-AR: Cell Phones
EHA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
EIA: Insurance Programs
The following symbol(s), * / **, may be used on some policies:
* As used in certain policies, may be subject to collective bargaining.
** As used in certain policies, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005 (4) and 125.300 – 125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000.
F: Facilities Development
FA: Facilities Development Goals
FEF/FEFB: Construction Contracts – Bidding and Awards
FF: Naming New Facilities
FFA: Memorials
FJ: Temporary District Facilities
FL: Retirement of Facilities
The following symbol(s), * / **, may be used on some policies:
* As used in certain policies, may be subject to collective bargaining.
** As used in certain policies, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005 (4) and 125.300 – 125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000.
G: General
GAB: Position Descriptions
GBA: Equal Employment Opportunity
GBA-AR: Veterans’ Preference
GBAA: Working Hours and Overtime – Nonexempt Employees
GBC: Staff Ethics
GBC-AR: Staff Ethics
GBCA: Staff Religious Dress
GBCA-AR: Staff Religious Dress
GBD: Board-Staff Communications
GBDA: Expression of Milk or Breast-feed in the Workplace
GBE: Staff Health and Safety
GBEA: Workplace Harassment
GBEA-AR: Workplace Harassment Reporting and Procedure
GBEB: Communicable Diseases – Staff
GBEB-AR: Communicable Diseases – Staff
GBEBA: Staff – HIV, AIDS and HBV
GBEBAA/JHCCBA/EBBAB: HBV/Bloodborne Pathogens
GBEC: Drug-Free Workplace
GBEC-AR (1): Drug-Free Workplace
GBEC-AR (2): Reasonable Suspicion Incident Checklist-Strictly Confidential
GBED: Medical Examinations/Drug Testing
GBED-AR: Physical Capacities Assessments
GBEDA: Drug and Alcohol Testing – Transportation Personnel *
GBEDA-AR: Drug and Alcohol Testing – Transportation Personnel
GBH-JECAC: Staff/Student/Parent Relations**
GBI: Gifts and Solicitations
GBJ: Weapons on District Property – Staff
GBK/KGC: Prohibited Use, Possession, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems (Version 2)
GBL: Personnel Records
GBM: Staff Complaints *
GBMA: Whistleblower *
GBN/JBA: Sexual Harassment
GBN/JBA-AR(1): Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure
GBN/JBA-AR(2): Federal Law (Title IX) Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure
GBNA: Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Menacing or Cyberbullying – Staff
GBNA-AR: Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Menacing or Cyberbullying Reporting Procedures – Staff
GBNAA/JHFF: Reporting Requirements for Suspected Sexual Conduct with Student
GBNAA/JHFF-AR: Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students and Reporting Requirements
GBNAB/JHFE: Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements
GBNAB/JHFE-AR(1): Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
GBNAB/JHFE-AR(2): Abuse of a Child Investigations Conducted on District Premises
GCA: License Requirements
GCAB: Personal Communication Devices and Social Media – Staff **
GC/GD: Staff Positions
GCBC: Associated Payroll Costs – Licensed
GCBD/GDBD: Leaves and Absences
GCBDA/GDBDA: Family Leave
GCBDA/GDBDA-AR (1): Family Medical Leave*
GCBDA/GDBDA-AR (2): Request for Family and Medical Leave
GCBDA/GDBDA-AR (3)(A): Certification of Health Care Provider-Employee’s Serious Health Condition
GCBDA/GDBDA-AR (3)(B): Certification of Health Care Provider-Family Member’s Serious Health Condition
GCBDA/GDBDA-AR (3)(C): Military Family Leave – Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Family Leave
GCBDA/GDBDA-AR (3)(D): Military Family Leave – Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of Covered Servicemember for Military Family Leave
GCBDA/GDBDA-AR (4): FMLA/OFLA Eligibility Notice to Employee
GCBDA/GDBDA-AR (5): Sample Designation Letter to Employee – FMLA/OFLA Leave
GCBDA/GDBDA-AR (6): Designation Notice – FMLA/OFLA
GCBDA/GDBDA-AR (7): Fitness for Duty Certification
GCBDB/GDBDB: Employee Managed Return To Work
GCBDB/GDBDB-AR: Employee Managed Return To Work
GCBDC-GDBDC: Domestic Violence/Harassment/Sexual Assualt/Stalking Leave
GCBDC/GDBDC-AR: Eligible Emplyee Request for Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault or Stalking Leave (For Employers who employ six or more employees)
GCBDD/GDBDD: Sick Time *
GCDA-GDDA: Criminal Records Checks and Fingerprinting
GCL/GDL: Staff Development * (Version 2)
GCL-AR (A): Staff Development – Licensed
GCL-AR (B): Professional Development Plan
GCN/GDN: Evaluation of Staff *
GCPB/GDPB: Resignation of Staff
GCQB: Research
GCQBA: Copyrights and Patents
GCQE: Student Teachers
GDA: Instructional Assistants
GDI: Employee Work Week – Classified
GDI-AR: Employee Work Week – Classified
GFN: Evaluation of Supervisory and Confidential Personnel
The following symbol(s), * / **, may be used on some policies:
* As used in certain policies, may be subject to collective bargaining.
** As used in certain policies, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005 (4) and 125.300 – 125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000.
I: Instruction
IB: Freedom of Expression
IBDJA: Relations with Home-Schooled Students **
IC/ICA: School Year/School Calendar
IF: Curriculum Development
IFCA: Site Councils
IGAC: Teaching about Religion
IGACA: Treatment of Religion in Schools
IGAEB: Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Prevention, Health Education **
IGAEC: Anabolic Steroids and Performance-Enhancing Substances
IGAI: Human Sexuality, AIDS/HIV, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Health Education
IGBA: Students with Disabilities – Child Identification Procedures
IGBA-AR: Students with Disabilities – Child Identification Procedures
IGBAB/JO: Education Records/Records of Students with Disabilities **
IGBAB/JO-AR: Education Records/Records of Students with Disabilities Management
IGBAC: Special Education – Personnel
IGBAE: Special Education – Participation in Regular Education Programs
IGBAE-AR: Special Education – Participation in Regular Education Programs **
IGBAF: Special Education – Individualized Education Program (IEP) **
IGBAF-AR: Special Education – Individualized Education Program (IEP) **/*
IGBAG: Special Education – Procedural Safeguards **
IGBAG-AR: Special Education – Procedural Safeguards **
IGBAH: Special Education – Evaluation Procedures
IGBAH-AR: Special Education – Evaluation and Eligibility Procedures **
IGBAI: Special Education – Private Schools
IGBAI-AR: Special Education – Private Schools
IGBAJ: Special Education – Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
IGBAJ-AR: Special Education – Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
IGBAK: Special Education – Public Availability of State Application
IGBAL: Special Education – Services for Home-Schooled Students with Disabilities **
IGBAL-AR: Special Education – Services for Home-Schooled Students with Disabilities **
IGBB: Talented and Gifted Program
IGBBA: Identification – Talented and Gifted **
IGBBC: Talented and Gifted Programs and Services **
IGBBD: Parent Notification and Participation **
IGBC: Title I/Parental Involvement
IGBC-AR: Title I/Parental Involvement
IGBHA: Alternative Education Programs **
IGBHA-AR (1): Evaluation of Alternative Education Programs
IGBHA-AR (2): Evaluation of Alternative Education Programs – District Summary
IGBHB: Establishment of Alternative Education Programs
IGBHB-AR: Establishment of Alternative Education Programs
IGBHC: Alternative Education Notification **
IGBHC-AR/JGE-AR (D): Alternative Education Program Notification/Selection Form
IGBHE: Expanded Options Program
IGBHE-AR: Expanded Options Program Notification
IGBI: Bilingual Education**
IGCA: Post-Graduate Scholar Program *
IGD: Extracurricular Activities Program
IGDA: Student Organizations
IGDA-AR: Student Organizations
IGDF: Student Fund-Raising Activities
IGDG: Student Activity Funds
IGDJ: Interscholastic Athletics
IHGA: Alternative Instructional Programs
IIA: Instructional Resources/Instructional Materials (Version 1)
IIA-AR(1): Instructional Materials/Program Adoption Procedure
IIA-AR(2): Challenge of Instructional Materials
IIA-AR(3): Challenge Request for Instructional Materials
IIABB: Use of Feature Films/Videos in the School **
IIAD: Special Interest Materials
IIBGA: Electronic Communications System
IIBGA-AR: Electronic Communications System
IICA: Field Trips and Special Events **
IICA-AR (A): School Sponsored Activities
IICA-AR (B): School Sponsored Activities Trip Checklist
IICA-AR (C): Curriculum/Co-Curriculum Trip Roster/Sign-out Sheet
IICA-AR (D): Curriculum/Co-Curriculum Trip Student Medical Information Sheet
IICC: Volunteers
IJ: School Counseling Program
IK: Academic Achievement *
IKA Grading and Reporting
IKA-AR Grading and Reporting (Grades 6-12)
IKAD: Grade Reduction/Credit Denial
IKE: Placement of Students **
IKE-AR: Placement of Students for Instruction
IKF: Graduation Requirements
IKF-AR: Graduation Requirements
IKFB: Graduation Exercises
IKH: Credit for Proficiency (Version 1)
IKH-AR: Credit for Proficiency: High School Level Credit
IL: Assessment Program**
IM: Evaluation of Instructional Programs
INDB: Flag Display and Salutes
ING: Animals in District Facilities
ING-AR: Animals in District Facilities
The following symbol(s), * / **, may be used on some policies:
* As used in certain policies, may be subject to collective bargaining.
** As used in certain policies, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005 (4) and 125.300 – 125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000.
J: Students
JB: Equal Educational Opportunity
JBA-GBN: Sexual Harassment
JBA/GBN-AR(1): Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure
JBA/GBN-AR(2): Federal Law (Title IX) Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure
JBAA: Section 504 – Students
JBAA-AR: Section 504 – Students**/*
JBB: Educational Equity
JEA: Compulsory Attendance **
JEA-AR: Compulsory Attendance Notices**
JEC: School Admission and Open Enrollment
JEC-AR (1): Open Enrollment/School Attendance Areas
JEC-AR (3): Application for Open Enrollment
JEC-AR(3): Solicitud de Inscripción Abierta
JECA: Admission of Resident Students **
JECAA: Admission of Part-Time Private School Students
JECAA-AR: Admission of Part-Time Private School Students
JECAC-GBH: Staff/Student/Parent Relations**
JECB: Admission of Nonresident Students
JECB-AR(1): Admission of Nonresident Students
JECB-AR: Interdistrict Transfer Application
JECBA: Admission of Exchange Students
JECBA-AR: Admission of Foreign Exchange Students
JECBD: Homeless Students
JECBD-AR: Homeless Students
JECDA: Transcript Evaluation
JECDA-AR: Transcript Evaluation Procedures
JECF: Interdistrict Transfer of Resident Students **
JECF-AR: Interdistrict Transfer of Resident Students
JED: Student Absences and Excuses **
JEDA: Truancy (Version 2)
JEFB: Release Time for Religious Instruction **
JF/JFA: Student Rights and Responsibilities
JFC: Student Conduct **
JFCA: Student Dress and Grooming **
JFCE/JFCEA: Secret Societies/Gang Activity
JFCEB: Personal Communication Devices and Social Media
JFCF: Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing/Cyberbullying/ Teen Dating Violence or Domestic Violence– Student **
JFCF-AR: Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Menacing/Bullying/CyberbullingTeen Dating Violence Complaint Procedures – Student
JFCG/JFCH/JFCI: Use of Tobacco Products, Alcohol, Drugs or Inhalant Delivery Systems
JFCG-AR: Discipline for Use, Possession, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products or Inhalant Delivery Systems
JFCG/KGC/GBK: Tobacco Free Environment
JFCIA: Student Drug Testing **
JFCIA-AR: Student Drug Testing **
JFCJ: Weapons in Schools**
JFCM: Threats of Violence
JFE: Pregnant and Parenting Student
JFE-AR: Individualized Plan for Pregnant and/or Parenting Teens
JFG: Student Searches **
JFG-AR: Student Searches **
JFI: Student Demonstrations and Petitions
JG: Student Discipline **
JGA: Corporal Punishment **
JGAB: Use of Restraint or Seclusion
JGAB-AR: Use of Restraint or Seclusion
JGD: Suspension
JGDA/JGEA: Discipline of Students with Disabilities **
JGDA/JGEA-AR: Discipline of Disabled Students **
JGE: Expulsion **
JGE-AR (A): Expulsion
JGE-AR (B): Expulsion Waiver
JGE-AR (C): Notice of Hearing
JGE-AR (E): Hearing Decision Letter
JGE-AR (F): Student Expulsion Appeal Hearing Process
JGE/IGBHC-AR (D): Alternative Education Program Notification/Selection Form
JGEA: Alternative Education Programs Following Expulsion **
JGEA-AR: Alternative Education Program Notification Form
JHC: Student Health Services and Requirements
JHCA/JHCB: Immunization, Physical Examination, Vision Screening/Eye Examination and Dental Screening**
JHCC: Communicable Diseases – Students
JHCC-AR: Communicable Diseases – Students
JHCCA: Students – HIV and HBV **
JHCCB: Students – HIV, AIDS **
JHCCBA/EBBAB/GBEBAA: HBV/Bloodborne Pathogens
JHCCF: Head Lice Control
JHCD/JHCDA: Medications**/*
JHCD/JHCDA-AR: Medications**/*
JHFCA: Student Skateboard/Rollerblade/Scooter Use
JHFD: Student Motor Vehicle Use
JHFE/GBNAB: Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
JHFE/GBNAB-AR(1): Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
JHFE/GBNAB-AR(2): Abuse of a Child Investigations Conducted on District Premises
JHFF/GBNAA: Reporting Requirements for Suspected Sexual Conduct with Student
JHFF/GBNAA-AR: Suspected Sexual Conduct Report Procedures and Forms
JHH: Student Suicide Prevention
JHHA: Crisis Prevention and Response
JHHA-AR: Crisis Prevention and Response
JN: Student Fees, Fines and Charges **
JO/IGBAB: Education Records/Records of Students with Disabilities **
JO/IGBAB-AR: Education Records/Records of Students with Disabilities Management
JOA: Directory Information **
JOB: Personally Identifiable Information **
JOC: Legal Names of Students
JOD: Media Access to Students
The following symbol(s), * / **, may be used on some policies:
* As used in certain policies, may be subject to collective bargaining.
** As used in certain policies, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005 (4) and 125.300 – 125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000.
K - L: District-Community Relations
KAB: Parental Rights
KAB-AR: Parental Rights
KBA: Public Records **
KBA-AR (1): Public Records
KBA-AR (2): Request for Inspection or Copy of Public Records
KBCA: Staff News Releases/Interviews
KG: Community Use of District Facilities
KG-AR (1): Community Use of District Facilities
KG-AR (2): Administrative Rules for Use of Facilities – Schedule of Fees
KGB: Public Conduct on District Property (Version 1)
KGC/GBK/JFCG: Prohibited Use, Possession, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems (Version 2)
KGF/EDC: Authorized Use of District Equipment and Materials
KI: Public Solicitation in District Facilities
KJ: Advertising in District Facilities
KJA: Materials Distribution **
KK: Visitors to District Facilities **
KL: Complaints
KL 2019 Spanish
KL-AR:Complaint Procedure
KL-AR 2023 Spanish Version
KL-AR (2): Appeal to the Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction
KMC: Community-Funded Activities
KMC-AR: Community-Funded Activities
KN: Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies
KN-AR (1): Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies
KN-AR (2): Investigations Conducted on District Premises
LBE: Public Charter Schools **
LBE-AR: Public Charter Schools
LBEA: Resident Student Denial for Virtual Public Charter School Attendance
The following symbol(s), * / **, may be used on some policies:
* As used in certain policies, may be subject to collective bargaining.
** As used in certain policies, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005 (4) and 125.300 – 125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000.