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In education, assessment refers to a variety of ways that schools evaluate learning, measure growth, and determine students' educational needs. Assessments may identify a student's strengths as well as their areas to improve, and the information is useful for educators to determine what academic support to provide. There are many types of assessment, from informal (e.g., a two-question oral quiz after a reading a passage) to formal (e.g., a semester-end, comprehensive exam in chemistry). (Read here for a helpful explanation.)

The following assessments are some of those conducted on a district-wide or statewide basis in LCSD:

Grade Levels Assessment
Preschool, K, 1 ESGI
K - 1 EasyCBM
2nd  CogAT
2nd - 8th STAR
K - 12th DESSA
3rd - 8th,  11th OSAS


Questions? Contact your child's teacher or the District Test Coordinator, Julia Wegner, at 541-451-8565. 

Assessment Opt-Out

Your child's participation in statewide assessments matters. Each set of data helps our school and district leaders determine what systems and practices are working well and where we can improve. We make important, wide-ranging decisions based on the results. 
However, Oregon law (ORS 329.479) permits parents/guardians and adult students to annually opt-out of Oregon's statewide summative tests in English Language Arts (ELA) and/or Mathematics by submitting this form to the school the student attends. The school shall provide any student who is excused from a statewide ELA or mathematics test with supervised study time while other students are testing. 

If you wish to opt-out your student from testing in the current school year, please click on the form below. You may save the form and email it to your child's school, or print it out and hand deliver it. Please do so at least a week prior to the first day of testing. If you need assistance, please contact your school's front office. 

If you need a form in another language, please email